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Morgan Applegate

Financial Division

About Me

This is my first big engineering project but I have always had a lasting interest in STEM. I adore biochemistry in particular. Something about understanding life’s complex composition excites me. My happy place is wrapped up in blankets with a book in one hand and tea in the other.

My Climate

My mom tried to grow tomatoes this past summer. Everything started off fine, but then the leaves started to brown. The fruit shriveled up and a large portion of our produce was inedible. My mom attempted to construct a shade structure with a tarp and stakes but the structure wasn’t perfect. All of that work just to keep the plant barley surviving.

My Role

My role is on the finance team. Together, we budget and fundraise the project. We plan fundraising events and establish contact with donors. However, I more often help with whatever needs to be done on the Garden guard team. I want to do whatever I can to help my team succeed, and sometimes that includes doing research, writing grants, and doing outreach.